The energy commodities are probably the commodities whose trading has the greatest effect on investors and non-investors as well. Any fluctuations in the prices of given energy commodity can have a substantial effect on the prices the consumer pays. Energy commodities include oil, gas, coal, ethanol and electricity.
Trade In MCX Bullion
Bullion or MCX trading tips involves precious metals like gold and silver. Along with these metals, platinum and palladium are traded in markets. While doing "Bullion trading" are Points to be taken care:-
1. An analysis of the macroeconomic situation, which includes international economic indicators, such as inflation, GDP growth rates, interest rates, productivity and energy prices is a must.
2. The silver market is much smaller in value than the gold market. So, a study on the yearly supply vs demand will be good.
3. In order to speculate on the future price, the technical analysis is a must. It involves analyzing chart patterns, market trends, moving averages and/or economic cycle.
4. Silver referred to as the poor mans metal offers guaranteed returns. Investors should avoid purchasing the metal at the spot price since the prices above the spot price is charged unequally.
Trade in Base Metal
Base metals are an important part of our global economic growth. The basic tips for risk free trading in base metal are:
1. Know your metals before you invest which includes comprehensive materials profile study and other reference documents.
2. Pay attention to news and study what affects to prices.
3. Consider joining a subscription service like news, editorials, real time LIVE charts and figures will help you to figure out the present market condition.
4. Involving yourself in the market as much as possible will help you gain valuable intuition and bargaining skills and is a great way to stay updated.
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