Few stocks tips by equity research lab

Here are a few Stock Tips, nifty tips, stock market tips & share market trading ideas by equity research Lab Company.

 “Stock” can mean many things. Its specific definition depends on the context in which it is used. In general, it refers to financial resources available for use. There you have gone and purchased the stock on the basis of the share market tips given to you by our team.  However before doing that, here are some things you should know about the stocks.

• You are a part-owner of the business: When you are buying stocks of a company a, you are actually contributing to the share capital of the company. It means whenever the company makes a profit, you too participate in the company's profits. And when the company suffers a loss, you must also put up with the losses.
• Share price can be very volatile in the short term: With the growing attraction of making short-term money, people tend to indulge in day trading. This induces a high degree of volatility in the stock price in the short term. It is better to ignore this volatility and instead focus on the company fundamentals. Invest in quality companies. This will not only protect you against losses but you will earn good returns in the long run.  

• Stocks are long-term investment: Buying a stock is always for a long term. You should invest those funds that you will not need for another 5-10 years. Always buy when the markets are falling. This will help you get good stocks at bargain prices. Don't buy when the markets are going up. You may end up paying more for a stock. 
• Plan your asset allocation wisely: Just because stocks give higher returns doesn't mean you should put all your money in stocks. The high returns are due to the volatility inherent in stock market. It is better to allocate a part of your portfolio for debt. So in case, you need money urgently, you can always redeem the debt to use the money. 

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